Source code for ph_diagrams.ph_diagrams

from functools import reduce
from itertools import cycle
from operator import mul

import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as np
import as px
import plotly.graph_objects as go
from chempy import Substance

pH = np.arange(0, 14.1, 0.1)
hydronium_concentration = 10 ** (-pH)
pKw = 14
pOH = pKw - pH
hydroxide_concentration = 10 ** (-pOH)

[docs]class Acid: """ A class used to represent an acid Attributes ---------- pKa : np.array array with each pKa of the acid Ka : np.array array with each Ka of the acid Ca : float analytical concentration of the acid alpha : list alpha values for each acid form log_concentrations : list log ci for each acid form Methods ------- formulas(ouput) generates formulas for each acid form in raw string, LaTeX, or HTML plot(plot_type, backend, output_plotly, ax, legend, title) plots the distribution diagram or logc diagram using as backend Matplotlib or Plotly """ def __init__(self, pKa, acid_concentration): # noqa """ Parameters ---------- pKa : tuple the acid pKa's acid_concentration : float acid analytical concentration """ self.pKa = np.array(pKa, dtype=float) self.Ka = 10 ** (-self.pKa) self.Ca = acid_concentration @property def alpha(self): """ Returns ------- list alpha values for each acid form """ numerators = [] for i in range(0, self.pKa.size + 1): numerators.append( reduce( mul, self.Ka[0:i], hydronium_concentration ** (self.pKa.size - i) ) ) alphas = [numerator / sum(numerators) for numerator in numerators] return alphas @property def log_concentrations(self): """ Returns ------- list log ci values for each acid form """ return [np.log10(alpha * self.Ca) for alpha in self.alpha]
[docs] def plot_params(self, ylabel, ax=None, xlabel="pH"): """ Matplotlib plot parameters Parameters ---------- ylabel : str ax : Matplotlib axes xlabel : str Returns ------- Matplotlib axes """ ax.grid(b=True, axis="both", which="major", linestyle="--", linewidth=1.5) ax.minorticks_on() ax.grid(b=True, axis="both", which="minor", linestyle=":", linewidth=1.0) ax.tick_params(axis="both", labelsize=14, length=6, which="major", width=1.5) ax.set_xlabel(xlabel, fontsize=16) ax.set_ylabel(ylabel, fontsize=16) ax.set_axisbelow(True) return ax
[docs] def formulas(self, output): """ Generates formulas for each acid form in raw string, LaTeX, or HTML Parameters ---------- output : str Raw string if 'raw'; LaTeX if 'latex'; HTML if 'html' Raises ------ ValueError If no valid output. Returns ------- list List of strings in the chosen output type """ labels = [] number_of_species = len(self.alpha) for i in range(1, number_of_species + 1): idx = number_of_species - i charge = number_of_species - (number_of_species + i - 1) if charge == 0: charge = "" elif charge == -1: charge = "-" else: pass if idx == 0: labels.append(f"B{charge}") elif idx == 1: labels.append(f"HB{charge}") else: labels.append(f"H{idx}B{charge}") if output == "raw": return [formula.replace("B", "A") for formula in labels] elif output == "latex": temp = [Substance.from_formula(formula).latex_name for formula in labels] return [formula.replace("B", "A") for formula in temp] elif output == "html": temp = [Substance.from_formula(formula).html_name for formula in labels] return [formula.replace("B", "A") for formula in temp] else: raise ValueError("Invalid output type")
def _distribution_diagram_matplotlib(self, ax=None, legend=True, title=""): if ax is None: fig, ax = plt.subplots(facecolor=(1.0, 1.0, 1.0), constrained_layout=True) self.plot_params(ax=ax, ylabel=r"$\alpha$") labels = self.formulas(output="latex") for i, alpha in enumerate(self.alpha): ax.plot(pH, alpha, label=f"${labels[i]}$") if legend: ax.legend(fontsize=16, bbox_to_anchor=(1, 1)) ax.set_title(title) return ax def _pC_diagram_matplotlib(self, ax=None, legend=True, title=""): # noqa if ax is None: fig, ax = plt.subplots(facecolor=(1.0, 1.0, 1.0), constrained_layout=True) self.plot_params(ax=ax, ylabel=r"$\log c$") ax.plot(pH, -pH, color="black", linestyle="--", label="pH") ax.plot(pH, -pOH, color="black", linestyle="--", label="pOH") labels = self.formulas(output="latex") for i, logc in enumerate(self.log_concentrations): ax.plot(pH, logc, label=f"${labels[i]}$") ax.set_ylim(-14, 0) if legend: ax.legend(fontsize=16, bbox_to_anchor=(1, 1)) ax.set_title(title) return ax def _distribution_diagram_plotly(self, output=False, title=""): fig = go.Figure() labels = self.formulas(output="html") for i, alpha in enumerate(self.alpha): fig.add_trace( go.Scatter( x=pH, y=alpha, mode="lines", line=dict(width=3), name=labels[i], hovertemplate="pH: %{x:.2f}, α: %{y:.3f}", ) ) fig.update_layout( title=title, title_x=0.5, xaxis={"title": "pH"}, yaxis={"title": "α"}, # template='plotly_dark', yaxis_tickformat=".1f", xaxis_tickformat=".1f", margin=dict(autoexpand=True, t=30, b=30, l=30, r=30), legend=dict(orientation="h", yanchor="top", y=-0.2, xanchor="left"), modebar=dict(orientation="v"), ) if output: fig.write_html( "output_distribution.html", auto_open=True, include_mathjax="cdn", config={ "modeBarButtonsToAdd": [ "v1hovermode", "hovercompare", "toggleSpikelines", ] }, ) else: return fig def _pC_diagram_plotly(self, output=False, title=""): # noqa fig = go.Figure() fig.add_trace( go.Scatter( x=pH, y=-pH, mode="lines", opacity=0.5, name="pH", hoverinfo="skip", line=dict(color="darkgray", width=1, dash="dash"), ) ) fig.add_trace( go.Scatter( x=pH, y=-pOH, mode="lines", opacity=0.5, name="pOH", hoverinfo="skip", line=dict(color="darkgray", width=1, dash="dashdot"), ) ) labels = self.formulas(output="html") palette = cycle(px.colors.qualitative.Plotly) for i, logc in enumerate(self.log_concentrations): fig.add_trace( go.Scatter( x=pH, y=logc, mode="lines", line=dict(width=3, color=next(palette)), name=labels[i], hovertemplate="pH: %{x:.2f}, logC: %{y:.3f}", ) ) # TODO yaxis with absolute values (label change to -logc) fig.update_layout( title=title, title_x=0.5, xaxis={"title": "pH"}, yaxis={"title": "logC", "range": [-14, 0]}, # template='plotly_dark', yaxis_tickformat=".1f", xaxis_tickformat=".1f", margin=dict(autoexpand=True, t=30, b=30, l=30, r=30), legend=dict(orientation="h", yanchor="top", y=-0.2, xanchor="left"), modebar=dict(orientation="v"), ) if output: fig.write_html( "output_pC.html", auto_open=True, include_mathjax="cdn", config={ "modeBarButtonsToAdd": [ "v1hovermode", "hovercompare", "toggleSpikelines", ] }, ) else: return fig
[docs] def plot( self, plot_type="distribution", backend="matplotlib", output_plotly=False, ax=None, legend=True, title="", ): """ Method to select the plot type and backend Parameters ---------- plot_type : str, optional 'distribution' or 'pC' (default is distribution) backend : str, optional 'matplotlib' or 'plotly' (default is matplotlib) output_plotly : bool, optional If backend is plotly, generates a html file with the chosen plot type. Ignored if backend is matplotlib. If false, the function returns a plotly figure (default is False). ax : None, optional If a Matplotlib axes object is passed, the plot will be shown in it. If None, a figure with an axis will be created (default is None) legend : bool, optional Show legend when backend is Matplotlib (default is True) title : str, optional Title to be shown above the plot (default is '') Raises ------ ValueError If invalid type or invalid backend Returns ------- A plotly figure or a matplotlib axis. """ if plot_type == "distribution" and backend == "matplotlib": return self._distribution_diagram_matplotlib( ax=ax, legend=legend, title=title ) elif plot_type == "distribution" and backend == "plotly": return self._distribution_diagram_plotly(output_plotly, title) elif plot_type == "pC" and backend == "matplotlib": return self._pC_diagram_matplotlib(ax=ax, legend=legend, title=title) elif plot_type == "pC" and backend == "plotly": return self._pC_diagram_plotly(output_plotly, title) else: raise ValueError("Invalid type and/or plot backend")